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Milo's Fundraiser for SMA

After taking part in our 'Sponsored Practice' last year, dedicated SMA student Milo has started his own musical fundraiser for SMA. Milo takes a number of classes at SMA, plus also has 1-2-1 tuition for piano, drums and guitar.

Teamed up with his mum, Roo, the duo post musical videos and have so far raised a whopping £524 for SMA - an amazing achievement! We are so grateful to the family for choosing us as their charity of choice when starting this fundraiser. This money will go straight into the education and development of our students.

Milo wants to raise funds for SMA as "it's [SMA] a hugely important part of my life" with these videos supporting his practice whilst also updating his progress to generous donors. Milo is passionate about the arts and he wants to do all he can to support the music sector during these difficult times.

The fundraiser has been extended until Sunday 31st January 2021 - so there is still time to DONATE TO SMA THROUGH MILO'S MUSICAL FUNDRAISER!

Another massive THANK YOU to Milo for his incredible fundraising and to all the people who have donated to SMA so far - we really appreciate all donations, big or small.

See one of Milo's sponsored practise videos:


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